13 research outputs found

    An asynchronous three-field domain decomposition method for first-order evolution problems

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    summary:We present an asynchronous multi-domain time integration algorithm with a dual domain decomposition method for the initial boundary-value problems for a parabolic equation. For efficient parallel computing, we apply the three-field domain decomposition method with local Lagrange multipliers to ensure the continuity of the primary unknowns at the interface between subdomains. The implicit method for time discretization and the multi-domain spatial decomposition enable us to use different time steps (subcycling) on different parts of a computational domain, and thus efficiently capture the underlying physics with less computational effort. We illustrate the performance of the proposed multi-domain time integrator by means of a simple numerical example

    Evaluation of the Impact of Selected Factors on Bitcoin Price

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na popsání teoretických poznatků o kryptoměně bitcoin a také na prokázání existence vztahu bitcoinu s vybranými ekonomickými veličinami. Cílem práce je zhodnocení vlivu vybraných faktorů na vývoj ceny bitcoinu v rámci pětiletého období 7/2012 – 7/2017. Mezi vybrané faktory patří množství vytěžených bitcoinů, množství transakcí bitcoinu za den, hodnota akciového indexu Standard &Poor´s 500, efektivní sazba federálních fondů, cena zlata, hodnota akciového indexu SSE Composite a průměrná cena elektřiny na americkém trhu. Zhodnocení vlivu těchto faktorů bylo provedeno na základě sedmi jednofaktorových modelů a následně také pomocí dvou více faktorových modelů. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. První kapitolou je úvod. Druhá kapitola obsahuje teoretický popis kryptoměny bitcoin. Třetí kapitola obsahuje teoretické vymezení metod ekonometrické analýzy. Ve čtvrté kapitole jsou zhodnoceny jednotlivé faktory pomocí sedmi jedno faktorových a dvou více faktorových modelů. V závěru diplomové práce jsou shrnuty dosažené výsledky.The aim of this thesis is to describe the theoretical background of the cryptocurrency of Bitcoin and also to prove the interconnection between Bitcoin and selected economic quantities. The aim is to evaluate the selected factors’ influence on Bitcoin price development within the five-year-period of July 2012 – July 2017. The factors include the amount of mined Bitcoins, the volume of Bitcoin transactions per day, the value of the Standard& Poor’s 500 stock index, Effective Federal Funds Rate, gold price, SSE Composite stock index value and the average electricity price on the American market. The evaluation of these factors has been based on seven single-factor models, and further also on two multi- factor models. This thesis is divided in five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter deals with the theoretical description of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The third chapter deals with the theoretical definition of Econometric Analysis methods. The fourth chapter evaluates the individual factors, based on the seven single-factor and two multi-factor models. The conclusion summarizes the achieved results.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Evaluation of Gold Investment Opportunities

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    Import 02/11/2016Tématem bakalářské práce je zhodnocení investičních možností do zlata. Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je poskytnout základní informace o zlatě, popsat základní možnosti jak lze do zlata investovat a zhodnotit vybrané možnosti investování do zlata. V druhé kapitole této práce jsou popsány základní teoretické poznatky o zlatu. V následující kapitole jsou charakterizovány možnosti investování do zlata a použitá metodika výpočtů. Následuje praktická část, ve které je provedeno zhodnocení vybraných instrumentů za období 2008-2016 a 2012-2016. V závěru této kapitoly je obsaženo srovnání výsledků a vyvození závěru na základě zjištěných poznatků.The topic of my bachelor thesis is the evaluation of gold investment opportunities. The main purpose of this thesis is to provide the basic information about the gold, to describe the main investment opportunities and to evaluate the chosen investment opportunities. In the second part of this thesis the basic theoretical knowledge about the gold is described. In the following chapter the investment opportunities are defined as well as the methodology of the calculations. In the practical part of my thesis the chosen investment tools for the periods 2008-2016 and 2012-2016 are evaluated and analyzed. The final part contains the results of the conducted analysis and conclusion based on the findings.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Coupled heat transport and Darcian water flow in freezing soils

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    summary:The model of coupled heat transport and Darcian water flow in unsaturated soils and in conditions of freezing and thawing is analyzed. In this contribution, we present results concerning the existence of the numerical solution. Numerical scheme is based on semi-implicit discretization in time. This work illustrates its performance for a problem of freezing processes in vertical soil columns

    Mathematical modeling of hygro-thermal processes in deformed porous media

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    summary:In this contribution we propose a model of coupled heat and moisture transport in variable saturated deformed porous media. Solution of this model provides temperature, moisture content and strain as a function of space and time. We present the detailed description of the model and a~numerical illustrative example

    Immigration and Integration policy af Great Britain and Political Mobilization of Ethnic Minorities of Immigrant Origin in 2/2 of 20.century

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    Great Britain is one of the most important European immigration countries - as for number as well as diversity of newcomers who have come in the period after the end of the World War II. Imperial history of Britain, or more precisely, the existence of the Commonwealth (which in fact arose by transformation of empire) played a significant role in this process. Citizens of both old and new commonwealth countries were thanks to membership of their countries in Commonwealth logically a privileged group of applicants for living in Britain. They had very often good connections thanks to, for example, contacts with British colonial administration in their countries and also knowledge of English language was a great advantage for them in compare with other groups of migrants and facilitated them to integrate into the host society. However, it is important to mention that immigration of non­ white non-European immigrants was since the beginning seen with suspicion and immigration policy was to a great extent influenced by pragmatism. British politicians had to solve a dilemma: either to implement strict immigration controls on all Commonwealth or accept immigration from new Commonwealth countries as accessory effect of old immigration. They accepted the transformation of United Kingdom into multicultural society not..

    Choosing accounting software for your company

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    The aim of the thesis is to select and recommend the accounting software for the company, which would fit best the requirements in the accounting records of the data. The accounting software is an essential part and a tool of managing for account administration. Selecting the right software is very tricky. The first part is dedicated to the creation and development of information technology in processing accounting data, description and definition of ERP, history of ERP and development of ERP in the Czech market and the general process of selecting of accounting system The practical part deals with the specific company called JASA s.r.o. and selecting the software for the company according to its own criteria. The software was selected on the basis of the analysis of the gained information about different accounting programs and the requirements set by the company

    Analysis of building societies in the field of housing financing in the Czech republic

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    The Bachelor thesis deals with the issue of housing financing in the Czech Republic. The emphasis is on lending provided by building societies and their comparison with banks in the context of current economic development. The empirical analysis consists of an analysis of the current situation on the housing market in the Czech Republic and aims to compare the advantages of specific consumer housing loans from financial market entities. The winner of the comparison is Česká spořitelna Building society. Mutual competitiveness of building societies and banks has been proven. The work is concluded by an idea devoted to the possible future development of building societies in our country.Bakalářská práce se věnuje otázce financování bydlení v České republice. Důraz je kladen na úvěrování ze strany stavebních spořitelen a jejich srovnání s bankami v kontextu aktuálního ekonomického vývoje. Empirická analýza se skládá z analýzy současného stavu na trhu bydlení v České republice a porovnání výhodnosti konkrétních spotřebitelských úvěrů na bydlení od subjektů finančního trhu. Vítězem srovnání se stala Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny. Byla prokázána vzájemná konkurenceschopnost stavebních spořitelen a bank. Práci uzavírá myšlenka věnovaná možnému budoucímu vývoji stavebních spořitelen v naší zemi

    Analysis of real estate investments in the Czech Republic

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    This diploma thesis pays attention to the real estate, as an important investment asset, whose role and importance in the Czech Republic is still growing. This is a topic that resonates in society for a long time and is current for the segment of retail as well as institutional investors. The introduction defines the Czech real estate market and names the individual factors that influence and shape it. The theoretical part comprehensively presents aspects of the choice of real estate investment with emphasis on the rights and obligations of the individual investor. The empirical part aims to fulfil the initial hypotheses of the thesis: #1 Real estate investment is experiencing dynamic long-term growth. #2 The differences between the preferences of retail and institutional investors are narrowing when investing in real estate. #3 Real estate still has strong investment potential and will continue to be the preferred investment asset.Tato diplomová práce se věnuje nemovitostem, jakožto významnému investičnímu aktivu, jehož role a význam v České republice stále roste. Jedná se o téma, které dlouhodobě rezonuje napříč společností a je aktuální pro segment retailových i institucionálních investorů. Úvod definuje tuzemský nemovitostní trh a pojmenovává jednotlivé faktory, které ho ovlivňují a formují. Teoretická část uceleně prezentuje aspekty volby nemovitostní investice s důrazem na práva a povinnosti individuálního investora. Empirická část má za cíl naplnit vstupní hypotézy práce: #1 Nemovitostní investice zažívají dlouhodobý dynamický růst. #2 Rozdíly mezi preferencemi retailového a institucionálního investora se při investování do nemovitostí stírají. #3 Nemovitosti mají stále silný investiční potenciál a budou i nadále preferovaným investičním aktivem